Release Notes
For details, refer to Sharu's blog, but in brief, you can download files with Vita.
First, download File Downloader.vpk on PC,
transfer it to Vita, install it with VitaShell etc.
Let's start quickly. It's a menu screen. However, I do not download it here. Here is the management screen for updating and reinstalling. But I'm still in English. Well it's not difficult English so everyone understands but if it's in Japanese it's easier to understand, right? Hey? Sharu-san? You will be in Japanese, are not you? Will it? Will it be? I do not know if I can do it, but I would like to speak Japanese w Can I have an English version distributed to overseas people as well? Well then multi languages? Let's make it Japanese as such. Sharu can do it! (Irresponsible remarks) I will return to the subject. Although downloading is from the browser, it seems that it is useless unless you add dl: to the beginning of the URL of the file you want to download.
To the contrary, it means that you can download anything if you put it.
※ Because it is an experiment, please do not manage. It will be troublesome.
For example, if the address of the DL file is
at the address bar
dl: https: //
If you enter /releases/download/v1.0/enso.vpk, you can transfer it to the downloader and DL.
The confirmation screen for DL starts and the download starts, and it returns to the browser when it finishes. The downloaded file goes into the ux 0: download folder. However, if you add dl: to this address bar , please do not do it because URL is valid and returned to File Downloader and addictive to infinite loop when returning to the browser . So, since you have to add dl: on the site side, we just wait for the neighborhood to be improved. And I want to try downloading it! Those who called after the File Downloader introduction, from the browser of the Vita to access our site ( on the top menu "
Access to File Downloader Test " Please enjoy here asyoucan test DL here.