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Playstation 3 sMan v1.05 (wedMAN + sLaunch) ALL IN ONE PLUGIN by Dean K Released
Today developer Dean K, famous for MultiMan Backup Manager, has released a new plugin called sMAN. sMan is a webman + sLaunch all in one plugin. Check out the release notes and the download link provided below.
- Use [L2+R2] to start sMAN
- The sprx is bigger (but actually uses less memory) because it contains some glued resources
- It will use standard PS1/PS2/PSP/PS3/Blu-ray/DVD icons when there is no proper cover/image available
- This version of the plugin must be named sman.sprx and loaded from (in this exact order):
/dev_hdd0/sman.sprx or
/dev_hdd0/plugins/sman.sprx or
otherwise it won't work. The first match of these three will be loaded.
sMAN resource files are located in /dev_hdd0/tmp/wmtmp/res folder. There are six icons, background and ntfs/net external plugins. You can play with them until the next reboot when they will be restored to defaults.
NB: Renaming it to webftp_server.sprx and other stupid things are not supported.
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