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Pod2G Asks for IOS 5.1 Crash Reports
PS3 Army of Two Devils Cartel BLES01763 Patch 1.01 EBOOT Fix for CFW 3.55 Released
[Playstation 4] PS4 PKG Sender Docker Compose Web Server UI Released
PS3 God of War Ascension BCES01741 Patch 1.01 EBOOT Fix for CFW 3.55 Released
Pod2G Discovers iOS SMS Spoofing Security Flaw
Pod2g Comments On 4S 5.0.1 Build 9A406 Fail
PSP 6.39TN-A HEN Xtended for All Models Released
PS3 Dev_Blind Final Build Released
PS3 Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen BLES01794 Patch 1.01 EBOOT Fix for CFW 3.55 - [NEEDS TESTING]
[Playstation 4] Playground 4.05 Released
[PSVITA] VitaShell v1.77 Beta Released
[Playstation 4] OrbisTitleMetadataDatabase Released
[PSVITA] Abbaye Des Morts Vita v.1.0 Released
[Playstation 4] libftpps4 Released
[Playstation 4] 4.05 UI Mod Alpha v0.13 Released
[PSVITA] K.E.T.M. Kill Everything That Moves v1.0 Released
[Playstation 4] PS4 PKG Database Released
[Playstation 4] ps4-exploit-host v0.2.3 Released
[Playstation 4] Internet Browser for Exploit 4.05 Released
[Playstation 4] Payload Sender for Exploited PS4 4.05 Released
[Playstation 4] Simple Payload Loader for Exploited PS4 4.05 Released
[PSVITA] ReStore and ReNpdrm Released
[Playstation 3] RetroArch v1.7.0 Released
[Playstation 4] FTP on PS4 4.05 Released
[Playstation 4] PS4Exploit 4.05 Windows Released
[Playstation 3] PS3 Pro Mod v2.0 Released
[PSVITA] PCLink v0.8b Open Beta Released
[Playstation 4] 4.05 Kernel Exploit Released
[PSVITA] Labyrinth 3D v1.4 Released
[PSVITA] Storage Manager V1.0 Released
[Playstation 4] fMSX v1.00 Released
[PSVITA] Uae4All2 Vita mod v1.56 Released
[PSVITA] Higurashi Vita v2.3 Released
[Playstation 3] ManaGunz v1.31 Released
[PSVITA] Higurashi Vita v2.2 Released
[Playstation 4] PKGDec Tool Released
[Playstation 4] PS4Backuploader Released
[PSVITA] FHeroes2 V1.0 Released
[PSVITA] Adrenaline Bubble Manager V4.07 Released
[PSVITA] OneMenu v2.03 Released
[PSVITA] RegistryEditorMOD v1.2 Released
[Playstation 4] MSX Emulator Demo with Added Bluetooth Keyboard Support
[Playstation 4] DYNLIB IDA Pro Plugin Released
[PSVITA] File Downloader v0.22 Released
[Playstation 3] FERROX CFW 4.82 NoBD with COBRA 7.55 Released
[Playstation 3] PS3 Pro Mod V1.9.1 Released
[PSVITA] Adrenaline Bubble Manager V4.06 Released
[PSVITA] UAE4ALL2 Vita Mod V1.54 Released
[Playstation 4] PS4 NID to Function Name Resolver Released
[Playstation 3] Cobra 7.55 for CFW Rebug 4.82 Lite Released
[Playstation 3] Rebug Toolbox v02.02.15 with Cobra 7.55 Released
[PSVITA] Bitcoin Checker v1.0 Released
[Playstation 3] PS3Xploit v1.0 French Released
[Playstation 4] ps4-entrypoint-176 Released
[Playstation 3] FERROX CFW 4.82 v1.01 with Cobra 7.55 Released
[Playstation 3] PS3 Pro Mod v1.9 Released
[PSVITA] PVIMGTOOLS Frontend v0.5.3.1 Released
[PSVITA] VITA2PC v0.2 Released
[Playstation 4] Firmware 5.01 Exploit Video Released
[PSVITA] Picodrive v1.92.2 Released
[Playstation 3] Sen Enabler V6.0.6 Released
[PSVITA] Sudorku v1.0 Released