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PS3 God of War Ascension BCES01741 Patch 1.01 EBOOT Fix for CFW 3.55 Released
PS3 Transformers Dark of the Moon Patch for CFW 3.55 (BLES01169)
PS3 TrueAncestor EBOOT Resigner v1.4 Released
PS3 Remember Me BLES01701 EBOOT Fix for CFW 3.55 Released
nullDC- Dreamcast Emulator for PS3
PS3 PSP Package Decrypter Extractor v1.0.0.1 Released
Playstation 3 CFW2OFW Helper V10 Released
[Playstation 3] Overflow 4.85 v6 Cobra noBD cex edition Released
[Playstation 3] Overflow 4.85 v7 Cobra noBT CEX edition Released
Playstation 3 Visual Mod of Rebug Toolbox 02.02.09 by Lightra1n Released
Playstation 3 FlowRebuilder v5.2 Released
Playstation 3 Movian 5.0 Released
Playstation 3 Full RSX VRAM/IO access exploit by AlexAltea Released
Playstation 3 Universal Media Server v6.21 Released
Playstation 3 Unofficial Rebug Toolbox v02.02.00 Released: Support for Multilingual
Playstation 3 multiMAN v04.78.02 Released
Playstation 3 TempMON v1.01 Released
Playstation 3 XMB Package Downloader v0.20 Released : Only for Rebug 4.78
Playstation 3 Universal Media Server v6.20 Released
Playstation 3 multiMAN 04.78.01 Released: Fixed Crash when Scanning /net_host
Playstation 3 XMB Package Downloader Released
Playstation 3 ScummVM v1.80 Released
Playstation 3 PS3Lock Plugin v1.08 Released
Playstation 3 Cover Tools v1.1 Released
Playstation 3 Rebug Toolbox is Now Open Source
Playstation 3 Custom Firmware 4.78.2 REX/D-REX Released