- Covers/images from nethost (.png/.jpg) are now used for PS1/PS2/PSP/PS3 ISO games and Blu-ray/DVD videos FTP performance seems ok
In [Files] browser mode clicking <dir> will mount the selected folder as /dev_bdvd and /app_home, allowing you to install PKG files from local drives
- Copying 2KB+ PARAM.SFO from network/ISO is now ok
- Memory usage is decreased a bit
- In [Files] mode you can return to the root of the device you browse, by clicking the entry at the end (where it shows available free space)
- webMAN configuration is now a global/static and fixes the discrepancies in displayed options if you simultaneously view/edit [SETUP] options on multiple devices
- Added support for 4.53CFW when used with PRX Loader
- Optimized www service when serving files/images