PS3 Unofficial Irisman v2.65-2 Mod by Aldostools Released

Quote (Aldostools):
This is an steroid "unofficial" version of Iris Manager 2.65 by Estwald/D-Skywalk. This version includes all the nice Cobra features added by Estwald in 2.60 and the new ISO functions of 2.65. The changes that I made are mainly related to the user interface (buttons layout are more XMB-like, quick access to File Manager, progress bar when game list is scanned or file permissions are applied, colors, 4 gui modes, etc.). It also includes the Payloads for 4.41DEX/4.46DEX/4.50DEX and the grids 8x6 and 6x4 from Rancid-O's PS3ITA Manager and Payload for 4.53 CEX from HABIB. The most notable feature is that unlike the official version, it scans GAMES/GAMEZ/GAMES_DUP/GAMES_BAD on the external drives.

- Fixed label for Build ISO menu.
-Menu now use for:
Circle = Cancel, X = Accept, Triangle = No.
- Added ability to abort in the “calc_entries” stage of the build ISO process

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