PS3 MultiMAN 04.40.00 UPD & BASE CEX, DEX, Stealth Released

Today developer Dean K has released a new version of his famous backup manager, MultiMAN. With the release of a new OFW comes releases of CFW. This version has been updated to support CFW 4.41 Versions (Whether it be Rebug or Team SGK). Please note that this version may or may not be live using the MultiMAN update feature. Also note that the covers download, webapp and other server features related to MultiMAN are still down. Check out the changelog and the download link provided below.

Please note that Dean K is also a person he has real life problems so please DO NOT bombard him with questions, beg him for new features and or bash him for the work he has done. He does not owe anyone anything. He is developing out of the kindness of his own heart.
Donate To Dean K: Click Here

- Support for CFW 4.41 LITE EDITION
- Support for CFW 4.41 versions to be released

NOTE: If you ran multiMAN on 4.41 before this update, you will need to re-enable the BD-ROM emulator (bottom option in settings) and restart multiMAN for it to work.

NOTE 2: lastGAME, gameDATA and stDISC won't work. bdRESET should still work The function in mM for data works. If you have gameDATA installed you can switch back to HDD mode

MultiMAN 04.40.00 UPD CEX
(Requires MultiMAN 04.30.00)

MultiMAN 04.40.00 BASE 

MultiMAN 04.40.00 BASE 

MultiMAN 04.40.00 BASE 

The lastest version 20130503 is available to download here

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