PS3 MultiMAN 04.16.00 Released

Today developer Dean K has released a new version of MultiMAN. Check out the changelog and the download link provided below.

- Improved quality and speed of remote access screen rendering. Depending on server PS3 resolution the image is rendered as follows:
- 1920x1080 -> 960x720, 1280x720 -> 960x720, 720x480 -> 720x480, 720x576 -> 720x576 (all with PAR 16:9)
- Added support for new functions in mmRAS
- When using remote access to another PS3 both must be on mM 04.16.00
- Added new lines in translation files
- Added new linux (x86) version of ps3netsrv
- Updated Showtime (for mM and standalone) to 4.1.307
- Fixed a bug preventing mM from fixing 80010009 error

- multiMAN ver 04.16.00 BASE CEX (20121214).pkg
- multiMAN ver 04.16.00 BASE DEX (20121214).pkg
- multiMAN ver 04.16.00 BASE CEX STEALTH (20121214).rar
- Showtime 04.01.307 [CEX].pkg
- Showtime 04.01.307 [DEX].pkg
- installPKG, lastGAME, bdRESET, gameDATA, stDISC
- PC applications (ps3netsrv win/linux, aldos tools, c2d, rcp_bdemu, genGP3, split4G)

CEX, DEX and STEALTH versions are also available via online update (2MB).
04.14.00 or later BASE/FULL required as usual.

CEX and DEX Showtime 4.1.307 for mM is also availble via online update (6MB).

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