PS3 Red Ribbon RC6 Released

Quote (r04drunner):
Red Ribbon release candidate 6 is now available. It is based on Debian Wheezy and It includes the following changes:

- Kernel 3.5.2 with the Graf_chokolo's, Marcan's and Gitbrew's patches.
- New version of the installer with some features added and some bugs fixed.
- The installer now supports the portuguese language.
- Added a notification alert when the disk space is lower than 100 MB.
- Kboot-setup now supports a config file.
- New version of the Red Ribbon theme.
- Added Gnome Users-admin as the user administration tool.
- Iceweasel (Firefox) updated to the 14 release.
- Added Gnome Time-admin as the date and time administration tool.
- Added the kernel headers and the build tools.

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