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PS3 God of War Ascension BCES01741 Patch 1.01 EBOOT Fix for CFW 3.55 Released
PS3 Transformers Dark of the Moon Patch for CFW 3.55 (BLES01169)
PS3 TrueAncestor EBOOT Resigner v1.4 Released
PS3 Remember Me BLES01701 EBOOT Fix for CFW 3.55 Released
nullDC- Dreamcast Emulator for PS3
PS3 PSP Package Decrypter Extractor v1.0.0.1 Released
Playstation 3 CFW2OFW Helper V10 Released
[Playstation 3] Overflow 4.85 v6 Cobra noBD cex edition Released
[Playstation 3] Overflow 4.85 v7 Cobra noBT CEX edition Released
Cydia Tweak: SiriBoard
Jay Freeman Comments on Why Cydia Reloads Data
PS3 mmCM 4.02.00 Released
Shock Moment??!! Five Man Clutch on Search and Destroy (Video)
PS3 Spoofer Tool v5.0 Released
Cydia Tweak: LowPower Banner
PSVita Daedalusx64 Confirmed Working on VHBL
PS3 Paintown Mod SaintSeiya v0.1 Released
Call of Duty Stats
PS3 HIP2HIS Converter by Deroad Released
Cydia Tweak: PictoKeyboard
PS3 Rogero CFW v3 Released
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PS3 ASTools v2.2 Released
EliteGod135 Moab Gameplay | Striker | Arkaden | 35-0 | Specialist | (Video)
PSVita VHBL Still Works on Firmware 1.61
Seas0npass Updated for "Stitching"
PS3 FTP Client v1.1 by AldoStools Released
PS3 ThatOtherDev Updates Homebrew and Source Code
IOS 5.0.1 Bug Discovered: Bypass Passcode on Lockscreen
PS3 Unofficial Showtime Media Player v3.5.43 Released
PS3 Child of Eden CFW Fix for 3.55/3.41
PS3 FTP Client v1.0 by AldoStools Released
PS3 True Blue Dongle Payload Discovered
PS3 mmCM v4.01.03 Released
PS3 Yet Another Bypass v1.6 Released
Logo Contest: New Need Logo
PS3 multiMAN THM GUI v1.3.1 & PS3Rip v1.1 Released
PSVita 1.60 Firmware Does NOT Patch Teck4's Exploit
Cydia Tweak: PowerSoundDisabler
PS3 System Software Update 4.11 Released
Redsn0w 0.9.10B5C Released: Prevents Crashing
PS3 multiMAN THM GUI v1.3 Released
PS3 Showtime Media Player for multiMAN v3.5.026
PS3 FactoryServiceMode Tool v0.2 Released
Redsn0w Updated to B5B: Several Issues Resolved
PS3 Showtime Media Player Plugin Time Waster
PS3 Debug Firmware 4.10 Released
PS3 Redsquirrel87 Releases Unofficial Showtime Media Player 3.5.19
PS3 KaKoRoToKS Confirms 4.10 Custom Firmware
PS3 Neo Trail v0.1 Released
PS3 XMB Manager Plus v0.10 Released
PS3 Firmware 4.10 Hides Dropbox Feature
PS3 Yet Another Bypass V1.3 Released
Cydia Tweak: Slide to Mod
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