PS3 Preloader Advance V2.0 Released

Quote (Jaicrab):
Already available the tool to reset any “/ dev_flash.” It is but a program that runs without external modules. ‘s because I find that being unable to load basic libraries housed in the “/ dev_flash” we must make use of direct syscalls to the kernel. The collection is clean STUB external modules, hence it only takes a few KB … The function is to load the file “/ dev_usb000/flash1.bin” and write in RAW mode to “/ dev_flash”. But not before mounting the “/ dev_flash” Write mode.

It’s simple but effective. There are dangers of bricks, but backup mistake or left unfinished for various reasons. In principle works in all FIRMS, but mainly is designed to JFW-DH356MA by semibricks problems and instead of HDD when the system stores inside the “/ dev_flash.” But you have backups you can ask of anyone with the same firm or even removing it from the pup and mounting it on a FAT system. Its use is simple. In Factory Mode to rename the “Preloader Advance.self” a “Lv2Diag.self” and copy it to USB.

Within the USB copy at the root of the flash backup named “flash0.bin” Connect the USB port nearest the reader, and on the system. The LED blinks green. It means that restoring the flash. When the process is shut down. Check the log it creates on the USB to be sure. It only plays out of the factory mode with the “Lv2Diag.self” step2 that runs through the network.

- Configuration file to select actions.
- Restore all the flashes.
- Make backups / backups of all the flashes.
- Code optimization.
- Automatically exit the service mode.

Needed Tools:
A dongle / device for moving the console in service mode (PSP, calculator, phone, etc).
Preloader Advance.
A USB flash drive (format as FAT32 with at least 500 MB of free space).
Service Pack v1.2.1.
Lv2diag.self (to exit the Service Mode)
How-to (roughly translated) unbrick JFW-DH356 v1 with Preloader Advance:

How to:
First, you need a device to get your PS3 into service mode , a USB format FAT32 for the PS3 to recognize it.
Download, unzip the file and insert Lv2diag.self below the root of your USB key . The file is in fact Lv2diag.self Advance Preloader which has been renamed.
Do the same with the file Service Pack 1.2.1 which also has been renamed flash0.bin it available below.
Shut off the power of your PS3 with either the switch is at the back of the PS3 or unplugging the power cable. Now, connect your device to get your PS3 in service mode in one of the USB ports of PS3 . Give them food and made ​​the key combination Power and Eject . The PS3 will turn off. Remove your device to get your PS3 into service mode of the USB port of the PS3 .
Now plug in your USB key on the USB port right most of the PS3 , the one closest to the drive Blu-Ray , and turn on your PS3 and wait until the LED flashes green and red starts . Then remove the USB key .
You may notice that you are still in service mode . To exit this mode, it will delete files Lv2diag.self and flash0.bin the USB and put the Lv2diag.self who leaves the service mode , it is available below as the Lv2diag.self Output . Plug your USB in the USB port furthest to the right and turn on your PS3 and wait until it goes off. Remove the USB and turn on your PS3 … And phew!

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