Quote (DemonHades):
Explanatory notes for the team and especially me DemonHades Coordinator and Representative of JFW, I decided to leave the project JFW DH 341 (which has served as a base) to work only as the 356MA, which is more advanced what at first we thought when we long to share the news poster consoles users. I had a thorn in people with 35x base that they could not enjoy the JFW DH, which is why we all, and when we say a full support portodas is 34x or 35x people. 356MA recall again that is not a beta, is a Custom 100% functional, custom applications depends not .. but .. applications is the why the Port of IrisMAnager356 is a prime example of all, and when I say everything is all! can be ported to 356MA. Also Re-emphasize that users with less than 356 firmware not need to solder or no flash, something that if they are on 356 or higher require.
Explanatory notes for the team and especially me DemonHades Coordinator and Representative of JFW, I decided to leave the project JFW DH 341 (which has served as a base) to work only as the 356MA, which is more advanced what at first we thought when we long to share the news poster consoles users. I had a thorn in people with 35x base that they could not enjoy the JFW DH, which is why we all, and when we say a full support portodas is 34x or 35x people. 356MA recall again that is not a beta, is a Custom 100% functional, custom applications depends not .. but .. applications is the why the Port of IrisMAnager356 is a prime example of all, and when I say everything is all! can be ported to 356MA. Also Re-emphasize that users with less than 356 firmware not need to solder or no flash, something that if they are on 356 or higher require.