REBUG 3.41.3 and 3.55.2 OTHEROS++
Thanks to the tireless work of the masterminds over at bringing our beloved OtherOS back to our PS3′s, we are able to give you guys REBUG 3.41.3 and 3.55.2 OtherOS++.
Both of the REBUG OtherOS++ PUP’s will give you 22GB of OtherOS HDD space and have all the features of REBUG plus all the features of gitbrew’s OtherOS++ CFW and of course the ability to set your own QA Token from GameOS using the qa_flag.pkg from over at
If you want to add OtherOS++ support to REBUG 3.41.3 or 3.55.2 yourself, we have provided the patch_lv1_for_rebug.tcl task file for patching the Lv1 Hyperviser with PS3MFW Builder 0.2.
It is the EXACT patch_lv1.tcl from minus the lv1 memory mapping and lv1 peek and poke as it is already patched in REBUG.
We can not and will not take any credit for the task file or PS3MFW Builder 0.2 Portable. We have provided them at the bottom of this post for your convenience.
1: Add the patch_lv1_for_rebug.tcl file to the tasks folder of PS3MFW Builder 0.2.
It will appear as Patch Lv1 Hypervisor for REBUG in the task list.
2: Deselect ALL tasks except Patch Lv1 Hypervisor for REBUG and Patch emergency init
3: Press the Configure>> button next to Patch emergency init and
select how big to make your GameOS/OtherOS++ partition
4: Use REBUG 3.41.3 or 3.55.2 firmware as your input firmware.
5: Select output directory and filename.
6: Click on Build MFW
7: Rename output PUP to PS3UPDAT.PUP and install on the PS3.
1: Download PS3MFW Bulder 0.2 Portable Win32 from the bottom of this post
(All of the tasks have been pre-selected for you).
2: Click on ps3mfw.exe
3: Press the Configure>> button next to Patch emergency init and
select how big to make your GameOS/OtherOS++ partition
4: Use REBUG 3.41.3 or 3.55.2 firmware as your input firmware.
5: Select output directory and filename.
6: Click on Build MFW
7: Rename output PUP to PS3UPDAT.PUP and install on the PS3.
Once you have your firmware installed go here and download the following files:
dtbImage.ps3.bin (For 16MB NOR) or dtbImage.ps3.bin.minimal (For 256MB NAND)
Now that you have the necessary tools to begin installing OtherOS++ head over here and READ AND FOLLOW the guide properly, starting at step 2. These guys have put a lot of time into getting this to work so we’ll say it again, READ AND FOLLOW the guide.
~Codename: REBUG Team
Codename: REBUG would like to thank:
glevend, snowy, durandal and the rest of the gitbrew crew. All credit for OtherOS++ and the Lv1 Hypervisor patches must go to them.