Sn0wBreeze 2.6.1: Verzion iPhone 4 Untethered IOS 4.2.7 Jailbreak Released

Well, after i0n1c released his untether exploit for 4.3.1, Apple shortly pushed out 4.3.2 AND 4.2.7. i0n1c's payload was ported over to 4.3.2 in ashort period of time but not 4.2.7. This made Verizon users very frustrated.

I originally ordered a Verizon iPhone 4 for my upcoming SHSH blobs dumper. Then I + many others on twitter realized that an untether was not available for 4.2.7. Over the past few weeks, I've been sick and didn't do much, but today I was finally able to get the strength to work on this
Verizon untether. Since i0n1c's payload is not easily reversible, I went to previous exploits.

After trying, pod2g's + posixninja's kernel exploit for 4.2.x is STILL in 4.2.7! After some more work, I managed to get this thing untethered!

So, this new release includes that new payload to untether + jailbreak 4.2.7.

For users who currently have a tethered 4.2.7 jailbreak via redsn0w (by pointing to the 4.2.6 ipsw), I was able to contact my buddy @pushfix. Hes managed to put together a Cydia package to untether your currently tethered Verizon 4.2.7 phone.

* Just add the Cydia repo:
* Install the Cydia Package "Verizon Untether for 4.2.7"
* Reboot.
* Enjoy.

Download Here - Sn0wbreeze 2.6.1
Download Here - IPSW

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