Release notes:
PSPInstaller 5 is the successor of PSPInstaller 4.12. PSPInstaller runs on both OFW and CFW and allows the users to easily install homebrew, themes and plugins. The Process is simply, browse the file database, select the file, and choose to download and install it straight away, or download it now and install it later! When the process is complete you can exit to the XMB to play the new downloaded game/application, or install the new CXMB theme.
This version will (eventually) also feature Featured Apps/Games/Themes. I am hoping (to pay for server costs) that people will want to advertise there stuff within PSPInstaller so it appears on the front page (see screenshots below) and may well be the first thing that users will see.
I am looking to take on 4 apps/themes/games for the full initial release of PSPInstaller, So if you are interrested. Please give me a shout. Details can be found within the download and within the application.