PSP Multiman 1.17.00 for CFW 3.55 Kmeaw/Rebug/Wanikoko/Wutangrza/Geohot

You can now update to version 01.17.00 with [R3] in multiMAN which now features a PS3 game-specific sub-menu, or download the BASE or FULL version from below. Enjoy it.

If you wish to get the latest Showtime, delete SHOWTIME.SELF from multiMAN's folder and play a video - you'll be prompted to download the latest.

multiMAN v1.17.00 Changelog:
Added: New sub-menu to set game specific options (press R1)
Added: Latest version of Showtime by andoma and helpMME by condorstrike
Added: Support for 5 user fonts (change with SELECT+R3)
Added: Custom font for Showtime in fonts/system/showtime.ttf
Numerous fixes, improvements and additions


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