Jim Ryan, the European VP for Sony Computer Entertainment, has told reporters that the new NGP device will be very affordable. When asked to clarify his statement, the executive revealed that Sony had plans to keep the price low so they could sell their product to a larger audience. With a lower price, the sales are likely to dramatically increase.
Sony products used to be catered to the rich, or people who had a lot of money to invest in gaming. Although this strategy has worked, it has kept Sony from selling their products to the majority of buyers. Sony is finally starting to tap into this potential by offering devices like the PSP for a lower price.
Shuhei Yoshida, the Sony Computer Entertainment President, has echoed a similar sentiment about the NGP yesterday. He said that the successor for the PSP would cater to all kinds of gamers and provide a variety of applications and software choices. Instead of just gaming, users will have all kinds of online interactive features to use. It is certain that the NGP is going to offer an unparalleled gaming experience.
A leaked snapshot photo has indicated that the NGP could be selling by January 2012 for only 299.99 for US markets. If the data is accurate, this will put the device at a significant advantage over competing gaming platforms. The quality and convenience of Sony products combined with the lower cost is guaranteed to make the NGP a success in the mobile gaming market.