A long day has come to pass again and it’s time to notify you all of our current status and future plans.
First, let’s go for the bad news, due to the lack of betatesters for the online mode, we weren’t progressing as fast as we wanted on the online feature development, making it impossible to finish the necessary online mode feature for PRO-C before the Genesis Competition deadline comes to pass.
On the other hand though, this only means that PRO-C will take longer than planned, not that it is cancelled.
Thus, we will be handing in PRO-Before as our Genesis Competition entry and release PRO-C as a followup release after the Genesis Competition has come to pass.
We intend to use the following week to do intensive betatesting on our latest release to ensure you guys are getting only the best of the best.
Even though it’s a bit early, here is the changelog of PRO-Before for your viewing pleasure.
•New ISO Driver “Inferno” (boosting game compatiblity by a lot)
•Version.txt Display (people wanted it, there it is)
•Improved Plugin Compatiblity (NID resolver changes + other fixes)
•Custom PSX Manual Compatiblity
•Parental Level Check for ISOs
•Anti NBGI Fixes (fixes a bunch of “broken” games)
This is of course, just a temporary changelog… and I’m pretty sure quite a few things will get added to it over the following week… as we fix bugs and prepare the release candidate for a public release.