Cydia: Dreamboard

WyndWarrior the creator of the Windows OS7 theme, PerPageHTML and Backboard is working on a new project called DreamBoard which will combine all the best features of WinterBoard, BackBoard and PerPageHTML into one single application. One of the most notable features of DreamBoard is that you will no longer require a respring after making theme changes! Backboard allows you to backup your springboard so that if you have a theme that requires a lot of tedious customizing and re-organizing, you can just back it up and in case your springboard ever gets messed up you can just reload the stored configuration through Backboard. PerPageHTML allows you to fully customize each individual page on your Springboard using HTML. These features all combined into one application will be a great addition to the Cydia store. Released. Free on Cydia. Search for it.

Here is the Cracked .DEB: Download Here

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