It seems getting FaceTime to work on the current iPad is all the rage these days, but up until now it’s not been the easiest thing to do. But now thanks to iFacePad, the whole process is down to just a few downloads and a couple of mouse-clicks. You’ll be chatting in no-time!
So here’s the method for using iFacePad, though for now at least, it’s Mac-only.
Download the app – iFacePad
Get hold of iOS 4.2.1 for the iPod touch, 4th generation from here.
Download PhoneDisk
Jailbreak your iPad on 4.2.1 (tethered, untethered) – but you did that already, right?
Fire up Cydia on your iPad and install OpenSSH and AFC2 (AFC2 is installed by default if you used GreenPois0n)
Run PhoneDisk, enable Root and connect to it.
Run and reboot.
Call someone!
That should get you up and running, but if you do find iFacePad doesn’t launch then check the permissions are set correctly for
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMcore.framework/ is set 755.
One word of caution – just remember they won’t be able to see you. That’s not always a bad thing though!