(I) What is TGE?_
(II) Quick Instructions_
(III) TGE's future_
(I) What is TGE?_
As well indicates the name, TGE is a old school 2D graphics editor for the popular chinesse Dingoo A-320 PMP, Dingux O.S. for version.
(II) Quick Instructions_
In order to install, just copy the 'tiznajosge.dge' file in any place within the 'local' folder, this is all.
If you uses GMenu2X, a good idea is to copy the 'tiznajosge' folder within 'local/apps' and to create a link to the program ('tiznajosge.dge').
The function of every button is as follow:
Screens mode:
Pad : Moves the cursor
'A' button : Paste 24x24 pixels tile
'B' button : Copy 24x24 pixels tile
Left Shoulder : Go to the File menu
Right Shoulder : Enter in the Editor mode
Editor mode:
Pad : Moves the cursor
'A' button : Draw pixel with 'A' color
'B' button : Draw pixel with 'B' color
Left Shoulder : Return to the Screens mode
Right Shoulder : Enter in the Palette mode
Palette mode:
Pad : Moves the cursor
'A' button : Select color for the 'A' button
'B' button : Select color for the 'B' button
Left Shoulder : Return to the Editor mode
SELECT : Select next palette
File menu:
'X' button : Create a new image
'A' button : Load an image from disc
'B' button : Save the image to disc
Right Shoulder : Return to the Screens mode
Left Shoulder : Exit of TiznajoSGE
(III) TGE's future_
Somethings of the features that will be added to the program in future versions are:
- Several efects over tiles: rotation, horizontal & vertical mirror, ... (Screens mode)
- Color picker (Editor mode)
- Transparent color Highlighting (Screens & Editor modes)
- Colors range selector (Palette mode)
- Undo/Redo (Screens & Editor modes)
- ...
This is all, I hope you enjoy it!
- MythomizeR - ['11 Feb]