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[Playstation 4] PS4 PKG Sender Docker Compose Web Server UI Released
PS3 4.21 EBOOT Resigner Released
PS3 Dead Island Riptide Patch 1.01 BLES01739 EBOOT Fix for CFW 3.55 Released
PS3 God of War Ascension BCES01741 Patch 1.01 EBOOT Fix for CFW 3.55 Released
PS3 God of War Ascension BCUS98232 Patch 1.01 EBOOT Fix for CFW 3.55 Released
PS3 Gran Turismo 5 Update 2.11 EBOOT Fix for CFW 3.55 Released
[PLAYSTATION 3] PrepISO V1.22 Aka PrepNTFS With ExFAT Support Released
PS3 Multiman 2.09.00 Released
PS3 Dead Island BLUS31026 EBOOT Fix Released
Nintendo 3DS Compatiable Flashcarts
Acekard 2i Working on Nintendo 3DS
PS3 Netflix Gets an Update that Forces You to Get up to 3.56
PSP Sepulka v0.7C: Load Plugins for Specified Games
R4iGold Works on Nintendo 3DS
New Trojan For Mac OS X and PC
Dev Team Confirms IPhone 4 IOS 4.3 Baseband 04.10.01 Unlock
Dev Team Working on ITunes Alternative
How to Get Back on PSN while Using a Banned PS3 Console
PSP PsPixel V2.0: Create Pixel Art
CycloDS iEvolution Confirmed Working On Nintendo 3DS
Ultrasn0w V1.3 Will Unlock IPhone 4 Basebands 03.10.01, 02.10.04 on iOS 4.2.1
PS3 OpenPS3FTP V1.4: Open Source FTP Server
PSP Categories Plugin for 6.3X: Go Supported
Nintendo 3DS Gets Hacked Using R4 Revolution Flash Cart (Video)
Dingoo sz81 2.1.7 REV 3: Sinclair ZX81 Emulator for Dingux Updated
Dingoo The Clue! for Dingux
Dingoo Vice V2.3 for Dingux
Dingoo DFile: File Manager for Native
Cydia: iSocialShare
PS3 PSIDPatch V1.6: Deban Your PS3
PSP DaedalusX64 Beta 3 (Video and Download)
PSP scepRecovery V1.0 for 6.20TN
PS3 PSIDPatch V1.5
Dingoo Aothello for Native
PSP 5.03 ChickHen V7: Reduced Load Times
PS3 Multiman V1.16.03: NTFS Support for External USB HDD
Nintendo 3DS blocks DS Flashcards
PS3 BootOS V2.01: Linux Installer
Graf_Chokolo Continues to Work: States Fuck You Sony