PSP 6.35: Downgrade Impossible

According to Coldbird , one of two developers firmware Pro HEN for 6.31 firmwares 6.35 and 6.36, Sony has removed the ability to launch and install older versions of firmwares, thus it would be impossible to downgrade Once the PSP official firmware 6.35 .

coldbird said that in answering questions about the possibility of downgrading the firmware via HEN Pro 6.35 as is the case of TN B. .. 6.20 HEN then he explained that the problem is not related to their HEN but that's because the new firmware 6.35 which Sony has removed the support module of Kernels compatibility with older versions so once in 6.35 ..... No return ... it's simple.

No you can not downgrade. In Fact This Is not Even a Problem with 6.35 PRO With view Sony.

Sony removed Updater Kernel Kernel Module Support for old Updaters in 6.35, so ... you go 6.35 oz - you do not go back.

Basically that's it.

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