The iPhone Dev-Team has updated RedSn0w to fix issues with Skype after performing the 'backup plan' untether.
The sixth beta is now available (testers ONLY please!). This version fixes Skype (and as expected all along, the Skype issue turns out to be unrelated to sandbox patches).
Unlike the last few betas, you can freely run beta6 over beta5 without a problem (but for testing purposes, we’d really like people to try both ways….from stock, and from already jailbroken). If all you want to do is fix Skype and you’re already untethered using beta5, just run beta6 and deselect every checkbox.
Now that the sandbox, Bluetooth, and Skype issues are fixed, our next priority is porting Monte back to 4.1. We’ll also try to make the Windows version less painfully slow.
Download Here: MAC ONLY