"Our infamous noob friendly Easy Installers are back. I know most of you have everything installed by now. But our Easy installers aren’t aimed at you guys. But the people new to this or with a new PSP they just got or just formatted etc. They want a one download quick fix. Instead of hunting and downloading 3-4 different archives. This all-in-one Easy installer for 6.20 TN-N does all the work for you. Just download this 1 archive run it and it will install the following:
Installed via this easy all-in-one installer, 1 file download:
Patapon 2 Demo
Patapon 2 Save Data Exploit
Half Byte Loader Rev 109 (HBL)
Total_Noob’s 6.20 TN-B
To help, the following common followers are also created in your memory root.
What isn’t installed ??
No ISO loader. Why? we give you the option of which ISO loader you want to run. So none are installed. Its just a matter of choice, get either the Prometheus ISO Loader or the OpenIdea ISO Loader
Easy, remember here at PSH, we are always noob friendly!"
[via: PSPSlimhacks]