Revision 628 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Dec 22 04:32:25 2010 UTC (91 minutes, 8 seconds ago) by Salvy6735
[!] Fixed and enabled osRestoreInt (moderate speed up, Doom64 is about 15%+ faster)
[~] Commented out unused code in TLB.cpp
Revision 627 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Dec 20 21:49:48 2010 UTC (32 hours, 13 minutes ago) by Salvy6735
[~] Fixed compiling issue
Revision 626 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Dec 20 06:22:24 2010 UTC (47 hours, 41 minutes ago) by Salvy6735
[!] Updated and enabled osSpTaskLoad
[!] Added a workaround to allow Killer Instinct to work with OSHLE
[~] Removed GoldenEye scissor hack, zoom works alot better (make sure to set it to 120%)
[~] Simplified osSpDeviceBusy
[!] Made debug only an assert that shouldn't be exposed in release