The French team over at pspgen has received the final version of Total_Noob’s 6.20 TN/HEN and according to them they’re going to make it public December 24 at 12:30 (French time). There is a 6-hour difference between EST and CET so we can expect it around 6:30 in the morning if pspgen is on a 24-hour clock.
If you’re a new reader, perhaps hoping to open a PSP come Xmas morning, then you should know Total_Noob’s 6.20 TN (or HEN) takes advantage of a VSH kernel exploit, which in turn enables PSP homebrew (running unsigned code) to the fullest. I’m talking ISO loaders, everything — on all PSP models! However, for the moment you’ll need to be running firmware 6.20. Firmware 6.35 is susceptible to the same exploit but requires further tweaking and testing before it’s made public.
So if your PSP is lower than 6.20, then you can upgrade to 6.20 here (PSP-1000/2000/3000) or here (PSPgo). If your PSP is later than 6.20 you’ll have to sit and wait … and whatever you do, do not update should Sony issue a new firmware version anytime soon.