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PS3 MHU Free Store v1.00
The long awaited MHUFreeStore has finally been released over at a couple of hours ago. MHUFreeStore is a homebrew application that installs to your console and allows you to download content directly to your PS3 without the need for a PC.
Quote roughly translated:
After many hours of work we bring you the latest addition to MHU2D.Net. MHUFreeStore para PS3. MHUFreeStore PS3. We hope that this release is as useful and succeed both as her little sister, the PSP. For those who do not know what this is, I put a brief summary: Is a free and open store content for your PSP and your PS3. Content as Homebrew, free music, backgrounds, etc ... Hence its name: Free, free of charge. Store, store (not the store, the content will NEVER be paying). If you want to advertise on the store, send an email to the same address. And you have it available for download.
How to install:
To install it you have two options:
- Using the PKG file that is at the end of this post and install it like any other PKG (in the readme.txt file specified as)
- Use the PSP store and get the PS3 version from there. Once downloaded, connect your PSP in USB mode to the PS3 and install the PKG file from the PS3 XMB.
Where to send suggestions, improvements, new content, ideas, ect:
Do not forget that to suggest improvements, new content, ideas, etc ... you have the forum at your disposal and email This email address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
And there you have it folks! Enjoy!
[via: MHU2d]
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